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A History of the Nation's 1st Top Wind Developer

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NWP was a top provider of wind energy by 2005, thanks to advances in technology and government incentives. The President of NWP believed wind energy would become one of the cheapest sources of electricity due to its free fuel. NWP wanted to analyze the impact of changing regulations, technology, and operations on wind energy's financial economics to shape their investment strategy. However, there was resistance to locating large wind farms at many sites, such as the debate over locating the first large-scale offshore wind farm in Nantucket Sound in Massachusetts. This controversy involved high-profile opponents, including Senators Kennedy and Kerry, the state's Governor, and Attorney General, among others. In this case study, NWP examines what it can learn from reviewing the controversy surrounding the four-year debate over locating the first large-scale offshore wind farm in Nantucket Sound in Massachusetts.

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