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Benefits vs. Drawbacks, Appeasing Community Concern Over Large-Scale Solar

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This study explores Large-Scale Solar (LSS) development in the United States, driven by the Biden Administration's decarbonization goals. It delves into some statistics and studies of the environmental impacts, climate change concerns, and the rural-urban divide stemming from the expansion of LSS. In particular, it looks at local residents' apprehensions, ranging from ecological disruptions to changes in water usage and temperature. Despite the potential climate benefits, there is limited public interest in addressing climate change. It also underscores the impacts on communities, including the temporary challenges posed by increased construction-related activities. To address these concerns and enhance community alignment, stakeholders emphasize strategies such as increased engagement, local intermediaries, explicit communication about tradeoffs, and ensuring local economic benefits. The conclusion calls for a redefined notion of success in LSS development, emphasizing alignment with local values and sustained community support. The study, backed by the U.S. Department of Energy, advocates for a model of "community-centered solar development" to prioritize long-term community benefits.

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