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The Economic Impact of Utility-Scale Solar in Ohio

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This study investigates how many jobs and how much money would be generated by utility-scale solar energy projects in Ohio.  The study leverages three different scenarios - low, moderate, and aggressive - based on how much solar energy was produced. In the low scenario, the study found that the projects would create around 18,000 jobs during construction and 207 jobs every year afterwards.  In the moderate scenario, it would be more like 36,000 jobs during construction and 413 jobs every year afterwards.  And in the aggressive scenario, it would be around 54,000 jobs during construction and 618 jobs every year afterwards.  Regarding economic benefits, the found that the projects would generate around $3.2 billion during construction in the low scenario, $6.4 billion in the moderate scenario, and $9.6 billion in the aggressive scenario.  Over the life of the projects, which is around 40 years, the total economic impact would be around $2.2 billion for the low scenario, $4.3 billion for the moderate scenario, and $6.4 billion for the aggressive scenario.

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